Thursday, October 2, 2014

Preschoolers and Peace Review

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      If you have young children and you are a homeschooling mom, you are ALWAYS looking for ideas, support and advice to help keep them busy while your work with your older children. Kendra Fletcher at Preschoolers and Peace has a new E-book for moms with just such help in mind. I received a PDF version of "Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling older kids with success while loving the little ones at your feetto read and review.

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Preschoolers and Peace offers practical advice on how you can help your younger, under-school-age children stay busy and engaged in age-appropriate activities leaving you free to focus on your older children. The author says it is a "best of" book based on her posts from her blog. The book is 47 pages long and includes the chapters:
  1. What a Homeschooling Mom Needs
  2. Preparing Yourself to Homeschool Older Kids With Little Ones Underfoot
  3. Planning Around Preschoolers
  4. How Do I Keep Them Busy?
  5. What Does a 2-Year-Old’s Day Look Like?
  6. How Do I Get Any Preschooling Done?
  7. How Not to Just Kill Time
  8. Circle Time: Or How We Pull the Little Ones In
  9. Preschool Boys
  10. When All of Your Kiddos Are Preschoolers
  11. Preschool Chores
  12. Planning for Preschool
  13. When Mama is Worn Out (or Pregnant)
  14. Meal Planning 101
    There is also a Resources section in the back of the book with lots of articles and for implementing the ideas in each chapter.

     For the last nine years we have had a baby in our home and I have been either pregnant or nursing, with few breaks in between. Kendra has the wisdom of experience that she speaks from in the book being a mother of 8 herself, she has spent much of her life as a homeschooling mom, also as a mother with small babies underfoot. There are many things that I know I have learned and grown through as we added more children to our family. There is a wisdom and a strength that can come through the denying of self that is required of mom's of lots of littles. We can either choose to allow ourselves to be sharpened and refined and encourage others walking the same path behind us, or we can choose to allow it to embitter us and harbor resentment in our hearts for what we can not have and can not do in this season of our lives. Kendra states this so well when she says:

"It's always good to ask the Lord where to revamp and then make a few changes. When we're living in the assurance of the Gospel- when we remember that we are already loved and accepted right where we are- it can be a lot easier to drop activities or obligations that are really more about pleasing other people than about our health, our families, or our God."

    Saying what our priorities really are and living them out are two very different things. Are we really living out and practicing what we preach each day? Our kids are watching us, and they see the inconsistencies in our lives more than we do sometimes. It's a good reminder to us to take care and not think we are "super mom" who can do everything at once.

     This book is a quick read and an encouragement to those of us who are struggling to find a balance in teaching our older kids and still keeping our younger ones productively occupied. There are also some ideas on how to have activities that engage all age levels at once, such as during a family circle time. Kendra calls us to re-evaluate our priorities and be sure that we are not turning homeschooling into an idol, which is a good reminder. I found encouragement, camaraderie and good ideas to try and implement in my own home in this book's pages. The E-book is just $2.99 for you to purchase.  

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