Have you ever worried about the consequences to ourselves and our children from this media-soaked culture? Have you experienced, or are experiencing, an addiction to texting, social media, or watching television? Media Talk 101 has produced a new movie that attempts to address some of these concerns and promotes discernment in both media choices and time spent "tuned in".
We are living in an unprecedented time. Never in history have we had so much instant access to information, entertainment, and quick social interaction. So what will be the long term effects? Will there be negatives along with the positives?
The Captivated documentary interviews many people who have studied the effects of media on our culture, such as Ray Comfort, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Jeff Myers, Kevin Swanson, Dr. David Walsh, Al Menconi, Dr. Dimitri Christakis, Professor Mark Bauerlein, and many more. It was written, produced and co-directed by Media Talk 101's founder, Phillip Telfer along with the help of award winning director, Colin Gunn.
The DVD talks about a key Bible verse to help us with controlling our media consumption:
We are living in an unprecedented time. Never in history have we had so much instant access to information, entertainment, and quick social interaction. So what will be the long term effects? Will there be negatives along with the positives?
The Captivated documentary interviews many people who have studied the effects of media on our culture, such as Ray Comfort, Dr. Ted Baehr, Dr. Jeff Myers, Kevin Swanson, Dr. David Walsh, Al Menconi, Dr. Dimitri Christakis, Professor Mark Bauerlein, and many more. It was written, produced and co-directed by Media Talk 101's founder, Phillip Telfer along with the help of award winning director, Colin Gunn.
The DVD talks about a key Bible verse to help us with controlling our media consumption:
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." ~ 2 Corinthians 10:5
My husband and I watched a DVD copy (which can be bought from the link above for $16.95, or can be rented online for $3.99, or downloaded for $12.99) of the movie provided to us by Media Talk 101. We found much of what was expressed about practicing self-control when it comes to media consumption lines up with our own beliefs about keeping this form of entertainment in it's proper place. No media should become an idol that takes the place of Christ in our lives.
This DVD could certainly be watched by the whole family, however older children and adults will probably be more able to follow along with the discussion more fully. It is a tool that can help to promote an important discussion about media's role in your own family and help to discern any media addictions that may have gone "under the radar" up 'till now.
Captivated has already won some impressive awards as well:
2013 Gold Crown Award for Best Documentary at the International Christian Visual Media Conference
2013 Best Documentary at the GloryReelz Christian Film Festival
2013 Official Selection at the Midwest Christian Inspirational Indie Film Festival
2012 Best Documentary Runner-Up at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival
2012 Best of Festival Finalist at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival
2013 Best Documentary at the GloryReelz Christian Film Festival
2013 Official Selection at the Midwest Christian Inspirational Indie Film Festival
2012 Best Documentary Runner-Up at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival
2012 Best of Festival Finalist at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival

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